Reflections on delivering a workshop on Open Educational Practice

I’ve been leading workshops on Open Educational Practice for 2-3 years and today was the first time I’ve had my final question turned around on me – ‘Lindsay, what will YOU do as a result of the workshop?’. My mind was somewhat on lunch at this point, but I gave the question some thought on the way back to the office and realised that a couple of really good ideas had arisen during the morning that I could put into practice directly.

One was around opening up student feedback processes, and the value of the good old ‘feedback wall’. So, rather than sending out an online survey that may get forgotten about, I’ve set up an online feedback wall for today’s workshop participants to post up suggestions and comments. This completely opens up the feedback process while allowing participants to remain anonymous if they wish. Participants can also edit their feedback posts, even after closing and reopening the wall – an issue that we discussed this morning.

The second idea came out of reflecting on the final activity – ‘what will you do as a result of this workshop?’ – in light of my RRW2 assignment, which explored the measurement of the post-effects of academic staff development. Hence this blog post – I’ve put a note in my calendar to re-send a link to this post out the workshop participants after 3 and 6 months, and ask them to comment with an update on how things are working out for them.


The (cc zero licensed) interactive workshop resource is available for copy and edit at

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